Touring the shoreline at Colonial Beach in grand style, courtesy of Seville Cruise Lines (also known as tagging along with Rick and family on their pontoon boat!)

A sea osprey guards its nest on a shoreline channel marker--a common nesting site for these small raptors. Poetry in flight; alight, they have a slightly wild-eyed and frazzled look--they remind me a little of Wiley Coyote.

On Rick Seville's pontoon boat: Rick stays the course, while his wife Laura, daughter Shawna and granddaughter Jordan sunbathe; Drew enjoys being a relaxed passenger, for a change!

Images of Colonia Beach taken from Rick's boat: One of many beautiful old private homes that hug the shore; the red place on stilts was washed away in a fierce storm a few years ago--recently rebuilt; I love this sweet yellow Queen Anne house--Alexander Graham Bell's house--that's my fantasy home, and not because of AGB...

This is a view of Rick's community's private beach. In the water, Drew, Rick, and Rick's extended family.

Rick's neighbors have turned their old boat into a backyard fountain.
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