Sunday, July 30, 2006

Can't Bear to Look at the Garden Right Now....

It's like watching a child struggle through a bad case of poison ivy--between the heat and the beetles, everything except the tomato plants is kinda ugly, and I love the whole too much to put it on display when its not shining, SO--
A few distractions;
1. Self portraiture
2. Stan poses in Powerful mode
3. At home with paintings, paint-ED (cabinet) and fine antique cat.
4. In the upstairs window of the RDS Milk Barn, plant cuttings make a curtain.

Monday, July 24, 2006

The Hour of Sunflower--and Tomatoes, Tomatoes, Tomatoes

The Garden a little sick with steam heat and beetles: here are sunflowers living up to their name and the few other flowery things; the beans and cucumbers nibbled lacey but still giving like they was Mother Theresa, for Christ's sake. We begin to be inundated with cherry tomatoes, including a stubborn vine or two in the compost pit. I am making some sauce to freeze; the resolution was "No waste this year." We shall see.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Garden in July

Steamy and jungly. Lots of beetles. Two baby preying mantis (mantii?) that Drew caught and transported.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Home Again

Ten days and over 2,600 miles under our wheels. This last stretch has been HOT--real VA summer simmer again. We are road-weary, saddle-sore and sunburnt. Here you see the bike--and us--in all dusty beat-up glory. Stan's remodelling--he tore the doorway linoleum up in our absence, but finally consents to share the bed, just like old times...

Natural Bridge, VA

Our last stop before home--Natural Bridge, VA--beloved by Thomas Jefferson, allegedly autographed by George Washington, now relegated to Christian retreat and tourist trap Purgatory. You see: the Bridge (Highway 11--two lanes-- runs over the top of it, to give you some idea of the really impressive scale), Drew and me: the requisite "we wuz here" shot, and Geo. Washington's supposed initials--about twelve feet up the bridge wall and water running beneath it--you rock, George! Also our luxe room at the Natural Bridge Hotel--here we had the nicest room and the most overpriced (for the quality) food. And the least competent bar staff. And appealingly idiosyncratic waitstaff--our waitress a little Granny Clampett of a woman with mingy red yarn bows in her hair. In addition to the Bridge and the almost-as-big-as-the-bridge Gift Shop, there is a museum, a house of horrors, a WAX museum, for goodness sake--and miniature golf, among other delights. All for a price, of course.

In Kentucky....a Ferry Tale

In Kentucky, we found some tiny, scrabbly towns and narrow, windy and obscure roads--and one of the hardest-to-decode highway systems yet. On S.R. 700, a road barely wider than a driveway, a mysterious sign appeared: "Road Does Not Cross River." We were lost (not unusual for us in KY) and figured lost going forward would work as well as lost turning back. At the river, a surprise: a small ferry boat, secured by cables against the current, and powered by a paddle-wheel. Supposedly this is one of the oldest continuous ferry services in the US. In this series of pictures you see the ferry approaching and leaving, Drew checking directions with the ferrymen, a mural in Versailles.
We discovered later that we were, at one point, less than an hour from where Murph and Archie live. Next time!

Friday, July 07, 2006


Before turning south again, we joined the rest of the lemmings on the Grand Haven Pier for the sunset stroll and vigil. Views of the Pier, walkers, catwalk, lighthouse, that other structure that houses the foghorn (foghouse?), silhouetted boats, sinking sun, Mom at home on our last evening there.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


Blue Angels unexpectedly soar over Highway 31 in Traverse City (You've got to magnify this pic to see them); the outside steps of the beaucoup cheap Fountain Inn in Grand Haven collapse beneath our feet; Drew drops four steps onto well-placed van seat abandoned beneath steps. Whew! "Babe, I think we've got to move back up into the seventy dollar range--these fifty dollar places aren't cutting it."

"We're Doomed!," or A Stick in the Spokes!

Drew checks out engine concerns en route from the U.P.--Sandy's HD in Fremont set us right again, right enough to get home, anyway... We bought a bell for Stu's new bike (he's been pumping the water out from under the house in our absence...); I bought a t-shirt, of course.

Crossing the Big Mac!

The bridge was under construction; we had to ride on the metal grates--not the easiest crossing. Photos do not capture Drew's in-transit commentary! Fish-eye pic is reflection in Drew's helmet.

Grand Haven City Beach, Lake Michigan

The Road King takes its first look at the Third Coast...GH pier reaches a long cement arm into the Lake. In late June, it was still cool enough to keep the jackets on!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Stalking Thom in His Natural Setting (We Visit Thom at Home)

Drew and I visit Thom at his shared duplex in Spring Lake. The obligatory posed shots (We were here! We have pictures to prove it!), Thom in living color, and two of Thom's roommates: Bernadette and Dana. Verdict: the roommates are articulate, and the duplex is clean and well-kept, with a back patio looking into the woods. Thom himself is also clean and well-kept(yes, he's articulate, too), with big muscles and several tattoos...